A diversity of opportunities
We know that practically anything is possible – thanks to you
At Ekornes, we know it is possible to make locally and sell worldwide. We know it is possible to preserve close ties with local communities and employees, even though we are a global organisation. We know it is possible to build on traditions yet remain innovative. We also know that all this is impossible without a highly diverse workforce. That is why we hope to get in touch with people who are looking for opportunities to develop themselves and one of Norway’s strongest brands. People like you – in fact.

Focus on innovation and global development opportunities
Did you know that more than 100 different occupations are represented in our organisation? Our philosophy is to give every employee room to do their best in the field they are best in. We do this by offering a range of opportunities for co-determination and development within a secure and stimulating framework – both professionally and socially.
How do we do this in practice? Every new employee is given the training and courses they need, in areas ranging from language and practical skills to safety. We have a mentor scheme for those who have just started working at Ekornes. We offer regular training in occupation-specific skills and leadership development programmes. We recruit around 25 apprentices who work under the expert supervision of experienced employees. All the different departments have their own social committees. In the development of our brands, we listen to feedback from all parts of the organisation. And, not least, we open doors out into the world, to exciting people and markets in a globalised labour market.
Many of those who choose Ekornes as their employer come to us because we can offer a combination of all these benefits: a secure and cohesive organisation, which focuses on innovation and global development opportunities.
Find a job
We need innovators and creative minds. But we also need employees who are great organisers, practical craftspeople, eagle-eyed accountants and ambitious salespeople. And if you have a competence we have not yet realised we lack, we would love to hear from you.